The smallest cat on record was a male blue point Himalayan-Persian named Tinker Toy. He measured only 7 cm (2.75 in) tall and 19 cm (7.5 in) long when he became a full grown cat at the age of 2.5 years. The much-loved cat were owned by Katrina and Scott Forbes of Taylorville, Illinois (United States). He was born on December 25, 1990 as the runt of a 6-kitten litter; he died in November 1997 at 6 years old.
Ben Rea of the UK died in May 1988 and he bequeathed his £7 million fortune to Blackie. Blackie was the last surviving cat of 15, who have all shared his mansion. The millionair antiques dealer and recluse refused to recognize his family in his will and split the majority of his wealth between three cat charities, with instructions to look after his beloved pet.THE MOST EXPENSIVE CAT
A Californian Spangled cat was purchased for $24,000 in January of 1987. He was displayed on the Neiman Marcus Christmas book.THE NEWEST BREED OF CAT
As seen on the right of this article is a Selkirk Rex. It's sometimes known as a Poodle Cat because of its thick curly fur, which is actually made up of three separate layers. It is recognized by the University of Veterinary Medicine (U.S.), the International Cat Association, the American Cat Fanciers Association, and the Cat Fanciers' Association.THE FIRST DOMESTICATED CAT
French scientists led by Professor Jean Guilaine of the CNRS Centre d'Anthropologie in Toulouse, France, unearthed evidence of domestication dating back 9,500 years. In the neolithic village of Shillourokambos on Cyprus, it was found that the position of the cat next to the bones of a human and similarly manner of preservation strongly suggests that they were buried together. The professor announced it in the journal Science in April 2004. Read also: Are You Interested In Finding Out About The Different Types Of House Cat.THE FIRST NAMED CAT
The earliest known cat name was Nedjem (meaning "sweet" or "pleasant"), dating back to the reign of Thutmose III (1479 - 1425 BC).THE FIRST PIANO CONCERTO FOR A CAT
Titled "Catcerto" is a 4-minute piano concerto composed by Mindaugas Pie?aitis of Lithuania. Pie?aitis watched a YouTube video of Nora "playing" a melody on the piano in 2009. The concerto is meant to be played with a full orchestra. It was played for the first time at the Klaipeda Cncert Hall in Klaipeda, Lithuania with a projected video footage of Nora's video. Nora was a rescued cat from Cherry Hill, New Jersey (U.S.). In 2009 Nora was named Cat of the Year in the annual ASPCA Humane Award.THE SMALLEST CAT EVER
The smallest cat on record was a male blue point Himalayan-Persian named Tinker Toy. He measured only 7 cm (2.75 in) tall and 19 cm (7.5 in) long when he became a full grown cat at the age of 2.5 years. The much-loved cat were owned by Katrina and Scott Forbes of Taylorville, Illinois (United States). He was born on December 25, 1990 as the runt of a 6-kitten litter; he died in November 1997 at 6 years old.THE RICHEST CAT
Ben Rea of the UK died in May 1988 and he bequeathed his £7 million fortune to Blackie. Blackie was the last surviving cat of 15, who have all shared his mansion. The millionair antiques dealer and recluse refused to recognize his family in his will and split the majority of his wealth between three cat charities, with instructions to look after his beloved pet.THE MOST EXPENSIVE CAT
A Californian Spangled cat was purchased for $24,000 in January of 1987. He was displayed on the Neiman Marcus Christmas book.THE NEWEST BREED OF CAT
As seen on the right of this article is a Selkirk Rex. It's sometimes known as a Poodle Cat because of its thick curly fur, which is actually made up of three separate layers. It is recognized by the University of Veterinary Medicine (U.S.), the International Cat Association, the American Cat Fanciers Association, and the Cat Fanciers' Association.THE FIRST DOMESTICATED CAT
French scientists led by Professor Jean Guilaine of the CNRS Centre d'Anthropologie in Toulouse, France, unearthed evidence of domestication dating back 9,500 years. In the neolithic village of Shillourokambos on Cyprus, it was found that the position of the cat next to the bones of a human and similarly manner of preservation strongly suggests that they were buried together. The professor announced it in the journal Science in April 2004.THE FIRST NAMED CAT
The earliest known cat name was Nedjem (meaning "sweet" or "pleasant"), dating back to the reign of Thutmose III (1479 - 1425 BC).THE FIRST PIANO CONCERTO FOR A CAT
Titled "Catcerto" is a 4-minute piano concerto composed by Mindaugas Pie?aitis of Lithuania. Pie?aitis watched a YouTube video of Nora "playing" a melody on the piano in 2009. The concerto is meant to be played with a full orchestra. It was played for the first time at the Klaipeda Cncert Hall in Klaipeda, Lithuania with a projected video footage of Nora's video. Nora was a rescued cat from Cherry Hill, New Jersey (U.S.). In 2009 Nora was named Cat of the Year in the annual ASPCA Humane Award.THE LONGEST CAT WHISKERS
Missi, a Maine coon from Iisvesi, Finland, and owned by Kaija Kyllönen, had whiskers that measured 19 cm (7.5 in). Born on December 30, 2001 as Fullmoon's Miss American Pie she was officially measured on December 22, 2005.LOUDEST PURR BY A DOMESTIC CAT
Oh yes, there is a record for this, just watch the video below. Merlin, owned by Tracy Westwood in Torquay, Devon (UK), was recorded on April 2, 2015. The purr was officially pronounced the purr at 67.8 db. Merlin is 13 years old.LONGEST JUMP BY A CAT
On October 27, 2013, Alley jumped 182.88 cm (6 ft.) in Austin, Texas (U.S.), where the cat lives with owner Samantha Martin. Read also: Biting, Aggression, and Rough Play in the Cats.MOST TOES ON A CAT
Jake, a male ginger tabby, has 28 toes, with seven on each paw. It was officially counted by a veterinarian on September 24, 2002. He lives with owners Michelle and Paul Contant in Bonfield, Ontario (Canada).THE LONGEST LIVING CAT
Ashley Reed was 7 years old when she received Corduroy as a pet on August 1, 1989. As of July 6, 2015, Corduroy was 25 years and 339 days when he received the honour. They live in Sisters, Oregon (U.S.)LONGEST FUR ON A CAT
Sophie, owner of Jami Smith in Oceanside, California (U.S.) was officially given a certificate of having the longest fur on a domesticated cat that measured 25.68 cm (10.11 in.).THE LONGEST DOMESTICATED CAT EVER
Measured on August 28, 2010, Mymains Stewart Gilligan (aka Stewie), a Maine Coon, measured 123 cm (48.5 in.) long. She lived with Robin Hendrickson and Erik Brandsness. Unfortunately she passed away in January 2013.
The longest domestic cat is Mymains Stewart Gilligan (also known as Stewie), which is 123 cm (48.5 inches) long. It was owned by Robin Hendrickson and Erik Brandsness in the United States and was measured on August 28, 2010.Stewie passed away in January 2013.