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Turkish Angora Cat Breed

Turkish Angora Cart Breed Information
Turkish Angora Cart 


The exact history of Turkish Angora kittens is unknown but it is believed that this is one of the kitty breeds that evolved in the Turkish mountains. This breed used to be known by the name Ankara Cats (because of the city Ankara, Turkey) and have been sighted for centuries in the Middle East. Turkish Angora cats are one of the longhaired cat breeds that were first brought to Europe during the late 1500s. Turkish Angoras first arrived in the US during the 1700s.

Despite their spread, Turkish Angora kittens were almost destroyed due to crossbreeding with other longhaired kitty breeds. The Turkish government rescued Turkish Angoras in the 1900s by initiating a breeding program that was designed to save the completely white version of the Angora that had been almost lost due to crossbreeding with other cat breeds. They were successful and two Turkish Angora cats were brought to the US causing a resurgence in the breed.

Due to the Turkish breeding program in the 1900s, Turkish Angora kittens are usually all white and usually have blue eyes although one may be blue while the other is amber. Like many kitty breeds, Turkish Angoras do come in other colors as well, although white is the most popular. As this is one of the longhaired cat breeds, Turkish Angora cats have a full, brushy tail and a long, silky coat. Their body is generally lean and long. Read also: British Shorthair Cat Breed Information.


Angora Turkish is one of the exciting cats and is considered a social cat, thanks to their keen curiosity and intelligence, they can learn and get to know different things easily, they are adventurous and playful, adored by the humane society and respected and have a great place. 

However, sometimes they tend to cling to one person, and they use their voice politely and kindly to welcome that person after his long absence.

Turkish Angora is very special and talented, she cares about love, she finds it difficult to endure isolation, and she is also with other cats and children and get used to them.


  • Angora is a small to medium-sized cat, the body is relatively long and the neck is small, medium-length and has a beautiful effect, a small skeleton characterized by smooth, graceful movements and works gracefully and elegantly.
  • Compared to the body the head is wide in the form of a wedge with the chin is not very clear small to medium.
  • The big almond eyes are slightly slanted on the head.
  • Long ears and tapered, with long hair and set high on the head.
  • The paws are small and round, and the hind legs are slightly higher than the front, with furred tufts of hair.
  • The long tail is wide at the root and merges into the tip.
  • The nose is medium length with a slight turn. Turkish Angoras physically up up to the age of two.

cat breeds,Turkish Angora Cat Breed Information


Angora does not tend to suck hair and can be easily prepared by brushing once a week.

In summer, the coat is visibly thinner and shorter, in spring and autumn the generator period works intensively but quickly. Read also: Burmilla Cat Breed Information.

Angora white may sometimes need to be washed by high quality shampoo, and can also use unscented talc powder that is blown hair and then brushed. You can clean her ears if necessary.


White was the original color of the Turkish Angora, cat breeders seemed to note that raising white cats together often produces deaf cats. So cat associations decided to accept cats with coats in a variety of colors.

At present, all colors are recognized except chocolate, purple, sparkling, cinnamon, and mink.

Among the distinctive colors we see in Turkish Angora: black silver, blue with black gold eyes, cream blue with white accents, smoked turtles, blue smoked turtles, black, and many more.

Some cats were born with a little gray smudge on his head. This fades as the fur thickens on the belly and around the neck, from the age of one year. For more details and Information about Turkish Angora Cart Breedclick here.

Turkish Angora Cat facts


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