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Commercial Cat Food is Killing Your Cat

Dangers of commercial cat food
Commercial Cat Food is Killing Your Cat 

Dangers of commercial cat food

There are many reasons why commercial cat food is killing your cat.

Here are some of the most important: 
a) Domestic cats’ bodies were never designed to consume either cooked or highly processed food such as kibble or canned pet food. Rather our pet cats are the product of many millions of years evolution, and their bodies, just like those of every other wild cat in the world, have been made by Mother Nature to eat their food in its raw state. This is the way all felines on this planet have naturally been consuming their food for eons. 

b) All cats, whether they be wild or domestic, are obligate carnivores. This means that in order to thrive, the feline body requires those particular nutrients that are derived specifically from animal tissue. 
Cats are designed to eat raw meat not canned or dried cat foods! 
Yet the vast majority of commercial cat food and dog food, particularly kibble, often contains a considerable amount of plant based foods, especially in the form of carbohydrate laden ingredients such as corn, rice, wheat and soy. Such plant derived foods, particularly those which are starchy in nature, are totally unnatural and inappropriate for obligate carnivores like cats to consume. Read also: Cat Food - Homemade vs. Commercial.

There are 10 amino acids that cat’s cannot make for themselves and require these in their food! 
The feline body was simply not designed to either digest or assimilate the nourishment contained in such foods. Therefore, feeding cats pet food containing these inappropriate ingredients day in and day out can, over the course of time, have an extremely detrimental impact on the overall health and longevity of these animals. 

It’s important to note here that even so called ‘grain free kibble’ products are little better than those which contain grains, as the former are not only still highly processed and cooked, but they’re also almost always chock full of starchy fillers such as potatoes, peas and sugary fruits. Again, such foods are carbohydrate rich, plant based ingredients that do not belong in any appreciable amounts in the diet of an obligate carnivore. 
Continuing to feed your cat commercial cat food will reduce it’s health and life span! 
c) Despite some extremely persuasive and effective multibillion dollar marketing and advertising campaigns designed to sway the masses into thinking commercial pet foods are full of wholesome, health promoting ingredients, many people would be shocked and very dismayed to know the truth about how most all commercial pet food manufactured, and also what it is really made out of. 

Unfortunately for the pets that eat it, most all commercial cat food actually contains a variety of very low quality, nutrient deficient waste materials, most of which are left over from the manufacturing of food for people. Most of this sort of waste ends up in places called “Rendering Plants”, which some of the most unspeakable of all food waste products are processed. 

4D livestock, (Disabled – Diseased – Downed – Dying animals) 

These wastes include such things as 4D livestock, (Disabled – Diseased – Downed – Dying animals), road kill, expired, rotting grocery store meats along with their plastic and Styrofoam packages, and even euthanized pets, many with their flea collars still attached. All this nasty stuff is cooked at extremely high temperatures then ground up and dehydrated at rendering plants, and ends up as cheap pet food ingredients with euphemistic names like meat and bone meal, animal digest and meat by-products. 

There is much more to know about the deplorable quality of many of the ingredients used in most commercial cat food products that is beyond the scope of this interview. Therefore if this information is new to you and you want to learn more about it on behalf of your pet, I urge you to do your own research. Read also: Cat Food Information, Cat Care And Cat Health In All About Cat Article.

Again, Cats are designed to eat raw meat not canned or dried cat foods! 
d) Consuming a steady diet of kibble and canned pet food for an extended period of time, which is terribly unnatural for a carnivorous animal such as a cat, puts a chronic strain on the digestive system and overall health of that animal. This can lead, especially over time, to a number of different health issues. 

Digestive disorders, such as obesity, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), diabetes, chronic vomiting, diarrhea and constipation, as well as urinary disorders such as CRF (chronic renal failure), urinary tract infections and struvite crystals are some of the most common diet related ailments from which far too many cats are suffering today. 

e) Years of eating nothing but kibble and/or canned pet food often also lead to deteriorating oral health in the form of gingivitis and periodontal disease. Sadly, statistics show that the majority of adult domestic cats over the age of 4 that are fed a steady diet of commercial pet food suffer from some degree of gum disease. 

f) Gum disease is a known precursor to a number other, much more serious chronic systemic ailments, particularly including diseases and disorders of the kidneys. If left untreated, advanced cases of gum disease can also lead to permanent tooth loss. 

The Worst Pet Foods


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