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Russian Blue Cat Breed

Russian Blue Cat Breed Information
Russian Blue Cat Breed 

Russian Blue Temperament

Russian Blue cats are:
  • Intelligent.
  • Tranquil.
  • Play fetch.
  • Loyal.
  • They get along with children and other animals.
  • Quiet.
  • Clean.
  • The Russian Blue, around strangers, are usually reserved unless they have grown up in active households.
  • Russian Blues are known for being sensitive to basic human emotions.

Where does the Russian Blue come from?

The Russian Blue originates from Arkhangelsk, Russia. Read also: Balinese Cat Breed Information.

What type of Body does the Russian Blue have i.e. coat, patterns etc?

  • Lean elongated body.
  • Short, blue-grey, plush coat.
  • Double coat – undercoat is soft, downy, equal in length to the even blue guard hairs that have silver tips.
  • Thick and soft to touch.
  • Dark, vivid green eyes.
  • Shimmering appearance from the silver tipped fur.
  • British Blues are not the same as Russian Blues so they shouldn’t be confused one for the other, nor two other blue breeds of cats – Chartreux and Korat.

Russian Blue Cat Breed Information

History of the Russian Blue?

A Russian Blue is also known as the Archangel Blue. Some believe that the Russian Blue first went to England and Northern Europe from the Archangel Isles by sailors in the 1890s. They were first recorded in England in the Crystal Palace as the Archangel Cat in 1985. It was classed with other blue cats until it was given its own class in 1912. Until World War II the Russian Blue was developed in both Russia and Scandinavia but during and after, the shortage of Russian Blues made some breeders cross the Russian Blue with the Siamese cat. The modern Russian Blue was created after WWII by American breeders which are still in the US. They combined the Scandinavian and English Blue bloodlines while breeding out the Siamese traits of the Russian Blue.

Food the Russian Blue eats ?

The Russian Blues are prone to obesity so their diet should be monitored. They like to make out that they haven’t been fed but twice a day is recommended, and dry food is preferred. Read also: Norwegian Forest Cat Breed Information.

Is the Russian Blue an indoor or outdoor cat?

The Russian Blue is a cat that should remain indoors where they are quiet and clear and like familiar people.

Does the Russian Blue have health problem?

The Russian Blue has little to no genetic problems. Russian Blues aren’t prone to illness. They live between 10 and 15 years and are thought to be hypoallergenic as it produces less Fel d 1 so is less of an allergen source. For more details and information about russian blue cat breed, click here.

Russian Blue Cat Facts


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