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Tips For Introducing A New Cat To Your Home

Tips For Introducing A New Cat To Your Home
Tips For Introducing A New Cat To Your Home

Tips For Introducing A New Cat To Your Home

You are full of excitement. Years of fun and joy await. You found a cat to bring home. A new companion for you and your other pets, if you already have a cat or dog.

If you already own another cat bringing another cat into your new cat could be trying. It is necessary to follow a few simple steps to assure that your new companions will get along. Read also: Guidelines With Regard to Presenting Kittens and Cats.


Make sure vaccinations are up-to-date and your pets are free of viruses, diseases and are in good health overall.

Provide The New Cat With Its Own Space/Territory

Certain cats will get along right away, cats are territorial and each cat will need its own space. Your current cat considers the entire house its territory. So, introducing your new cat could cause problems. New cat will want a space or territory and old cat will want to defend its current territory/space – the house.

Why, it is important to create a safe place for new cat. Best advice, give them a room of their own, bedrooms are great. At first, keep the door shut. No contact for the first day or two. Forcing an introduction is a disaster. It could damage the relationship permanently.

Each cat should have access to water, litter, toys, scratching posts, etc. Something else to consider, cats like to be up high. Empty a shelf for her or slide a dresser in front of the window, kitty TV.

During this time, feed each next to the opposite side of the closed-door. Gives them an opportunity to get used to the others scent. Read also: Hints and Tips for How To Toilet Train A Cat.

Give Your New Kitty Time Alone To Roam The Whole House

After a day or two, switch the cats. Lock your current resident in the room. Let new cat roam the house. Not long, 30 – 60 minutes is a good time. Offer treats and check her stress levels. Is she nervous? Won’t eat? After giving her a chance to roam the territory, switch back.

Face to Face Meetings

Before going to face to face meetings, watch how both cats are acting. Are they hissing at each other? Or do they seem curious and calm? Is either cat stressed or nervous? If so, go ahead slowly and with caution. Be ready to break up any fights quickly.

Keep first visits structured and supervised. Make both cats are relaxed and stress free. A good tip to try before a face to face meeting – place a towel, box or other item that has each cats scent in the other cats territory. Doing this allows them to get used to the others scent.

If you suspect trouble, separate them so that they can see and smell each other, but can’t physically get each other. Like, a screen between doorways. Make sure each cat is able to back away should either feel nervous.


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