European Shorthair Temperament
European Shorthair cats are:
- Active.
- Clever.
- Generous.
- Affectionate.
- Friendly.
The European Shorthair temperaments vary widely, developed from common domestic cats it is impossible to generalise with these animals. Typically the European Shorthair is playful and affectionate but equally happy to be off mousing. Read also: Sphynx Cat Breed Information.
Where does the European Shorthair come from?
The European Shorthair originates from Ancient Rome. It is believed they were originally bred in Rome to control the rodent problems and from there spread through Europe.
What type of Body does the European Shorthair have i.e. coat, patterns etc?
The European Shorthair body characteristics include:
- A medium to large body.
- Fairly large head.
- Their ears are as long as they are wide at the base with a rounded tip.
- Round eyes ranging in colors green, amber, blue, even odd eye colors occur.
- Their coats are short, dense and glossy and also come in a variety of colors and patterns ranging from solid colors, black, blue and cream to tortie colors of black and blue, smoke with previously mentioned colors but with a silver base, tabby colours in all three patterns of blotched, mackerel and spotted also with silver referred to as silver tabby and bi-colors in all the solid colors mentioned above with white.
- As mentioned above the European Shorthair cat comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns.
History of the European Shorthair?
Originating in Ancient Rome these cats spread across Europe as the Romans did.
Food the European Shorthair eats?
The European Shorthair will eat normal cat foods whether it’s a tined food or biscuit. Read also: Ocicat Cat Breed Information.
Is the European Shorthair an indoor or outdoor cat?
The European Shorthair, depending on your particular cat, is happy indoors or out.
Does the European Shorthair have health problem?
The European Shorthair is an easy cat to look after, their coats require little care other than occasional grooming to remove dead and old hair as they do not tangle and they don’t tend to get very dirty. For more details and information about European Shorthair Cats, click here.