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Japanese Bobtail Cat Breed

Japanese Bobtail Cat Breed Information
Japanese Bobtail Cat

Japanese Bobtail Temperament

Japanese Bobtail cats are:
  • Fun loving.
  • Outgoing.
  • Inquisitive.
  • Active.
  • Vocal.

Japanese Bobtail cats are charming, intelligent and extremely active cats. Very vocal they enjoy conversing with their humans in soft meows and chirping sounds. The Japanese Bobtail cat is one of the few cat breeds that actually enjoys playing in water.

They also love to carry things in their mouths so thoroughly enjoy a game of fetch and when not playing, although they love to nap they are not lap cats and will be off exploring every corner leaper from surface to surface with the extremely strong back legs capable of reaching great heights. Read also: Maine Coon Cat Breed Information.

Where does the Japanese Bobtail come from?

The Japanese Bobtail cat originates from Japan. Traditionally the symbol of good luck this cat has been part of the Japanese culture for hundreds of years. The Japanese Bobtail cat is a natural breed and is instantly recognisable by the distinctive pom-pom tail a unique feature of this cat. Like the human fingerprint no two bobtails are the same.

What type of Body does the Japanese Bobtail have i.e. coat, patterns etc?

The Japanese Bobtail cat body characteristics include:
  • Medium sized cats (males weigh between 8lb-10lbs and females between 5lb-7lbs)
  • Bobtailed.
  • Muscular with very strong back legs.
  • Long hair and short hair coats.

Traditionally tri-colored in red, black and white Large, oval eyes the colors are varied and two different eye colors or blue eyes are highly prized Although the Japanese Bobtail cat comes in two coat lengths because they have no undercoat they only shed seasonally and the longhair Japanese Bobtail cat does not suffer with matting or tangling as some longhaired breeds do. The tails on these cats are attention-grabbing as unlike the Manx cat each and every tail is different whether they are rigid or flexible they can be fused or jointed but are usually always expressive and must be handled with great care.

History of the Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail cat is indigenous to Japan and there have been paintings and written records depicting these cats for at least a thousand years. There is even a painting, 15th century, in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC showing the Japanese Bobtail cat in its longhaired version with their pom-pom tails and their coats parted down their backs. A natural breed the Japanese Bobtail cat is considered to be the good luck cat of Japan.

Food the Japanese Bobtail eats?

The Japanese Bobtail cat will eat normal cat foods whether it’s a tined food or biscuit. You must always follow recommended feeding guidelines for your breed of cat. Read also: Pixie Bob Cat Breed Information.

Is the Japanese Bobtail an indoor or outdoor cat?

The Japanese Bobtail cat is equally an indoor or outdoor car but because of their desirability it may be wise to keep your pet indoors provided with suitable toys, a scratching post and where they can explore their home and amuse themselves or interact with their humans and any other pets in the home.

Does the Japanese Bobtail have health problem?

The Japanese Bobtail cat is a generally a very healthy cat with a high disease resistance but as with all pets your cat will benefit from annual health checks to make sure kidney and liver function are normal and also for any tooth decay from about 8 years onwards. For more details and information about japanese bobtail cat breed, click here.

Japanese Bobtail Cat Facts


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